AI SEO Keyword Research that actually works

Describe your business, input seed keywords, or semantically describe the keywords you want to find. Rankify does the rest.

Rankify Features

The features that help you effortlessly find keywords that don't suck.

Real Time Trading - Dark X Webflow Template

Search Volume

View search volume for outputted keywords in your search results.

Advanced Charts - Dark X Webflow Template

Keyword Difficulty

Color coded keyword difficulty for your search results.

Press - Dark X Webflow Template

Keywords and Blog Topics

Rankify outputs not just relevant keywords, but also blog topics and FAQs.

Stocks - Dark X Webflow Template

Keywords Lists

Segment keywords into keyword lists. Save keywords for later.

Check Icon - Dark X Webflow Template

Bulk Copy and Paste

Copy all, one or just a few of your search results at once.

Portfolio Icon - Dark X Webflow Template

Manage Several Projects

Agencies can manage several projects within their dashboard.

What Search Results Look Like

What Rankify outputs in its search results.

Stocks - Dark X Webflow Template

Relevant Keywords

Rankify will find different keywords, long-tail and short-tail based on your search.

Openness - Dark X Webflow Template

Blog Topics and FAQs

Included in your search results will be blog topics and frequently asked questions about the topic or seed keyword.

Example of Rankify Keyword Generator
Security - Dark X Webflow Template

Built-in enterprise encryption and security

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Encryption - Dark X Webflow Template

256-bit AES encryption

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Security - Dark X Webflow Template

Advanced security standards

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Speed up SEO keyword research.

3 Ways to Use Rankify

Take the thought out of keyword research. Keyword research has become humanized, speak your way through finding relevant keywords with high search volume.


Insert Seed Keywords

Insert a seed keyword, or several, into our generator, and let our AI do the rest. It finds relevant similar to your seed keyword.

Rankify Seed Keyword Demo

Describe Your Business

Describe the business that you are doing keyword research for semantically, and our AI will automatically find relevant keywords and topics that work.

Customize Your Profile - Dark X Webflow Template

Semantic Explanation of Your Topic

Provide a description of the keyword topic, or several, and let our AI find relevant keywords within this topic, as well as related topics.

Start Earning Money - Dark X Webflow Template

Why Choose Rankify?

Features included:
Output Keywords With Volume (99%).
AI Output Matches Buying Intent.
View SEO metrics and Keyword Difficulty.
Outputs FAQs and Blog Topics.
Understands search volume for long-tail and short-tail keywords.
Other Softwares
Features included:
Outputs 60% no-volume keywords.
Generic and broad keyword outputs giving seeds not keywords.
No keyword metrics.
Doesn't output blog ideas or FAQs.
Can't determine when it's valuable to target long-tail vs short-tail.

What our clients say

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“A truly next-gen trading app”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing platea amet risus tincidunt erat lacus eu id nisl commo sit purus integer purus quis amet fames egestas inter.

Matt Cannon
VP of Marketing at Facebook
Testimonial - Dark X Webflow Template

“The best app for trading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing platea amet risus tincidunt erat lacus eu id nisl commo sit purus integer purus quis amet fames egestas inter.

Matt Cannon
VP of Marketing at Facebook
Testimonial - Dark X Webflow Template

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rankify?

Rankify is an AI keyword research generator that allows you to semantically describe what topic, business or outline you want to research keywords on, and Rankify finds appropriate keywords for you.

Does Rankify offer a free trial?

Yes, Rankify offers a 7 day free trial, with a trial limit of 10 total searches.

Who is Rankify Made For?

Rankify is made for SEO agencies, freelancers, enterprise SEO teams, small SEO teams, everybody and anybody doing keyword research. Rankify was also made by an SEO agency to optimize their own keyword research.

Does Rankify Find Long-Tail Keywords?

Yes, Rankify finds long-tail and short-tail keywords, depending on which is most effective, weighing its options on which to suggest based on many different factors; volume, difficulty, semantic nuance, buying intent, etc.

How Accurate are Rankify's Keyword Suggestions?

Rankify becomes more accurate as the search query becomes more specific and detailed. Overall, we measure just over a 95% accuracy on matching buying intent, based on semantic search queries.

Is There a Quantity Limit to Each Keyword Search?

Currently, Rankify is limited to 50 keywords per search.

Can I Export the Keywords Generated by Rankify?

Yes, you can bulk copy and paste the keywords, compatible with line by line pasting.

Is Rankify for SEO Beginners?

If you are an SEO beginner, you can reach out to us through chat support anytime and ask for help. Regardless, it doesn't take an SEO expert to speak semantically to our AI, just describe what you want to rank for, and we'll do the rest.

How do I Get Started With Rankify?

You can get started with a 7-Day free trial, and 10 total free searches right away! Sign up here to claim your free trial.

Speed up SEO keyword research.