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Keyword Research for Local SEO: A Beginner's Guide

Keyword Research for Local SEO: A Beginner's Guide
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Local keyword research is important for small businesses that want to attract customers from their local area.

A local business can improve its visibility and draw in more traffic by optimizing for local searches and a key part of this process is location-specific keywords for local traffic.

In this article, learn how to identify the right target keywords and effectively apply them to improve your local search rankings.

Speed up SEO keyword research with Rankify.

How Does Keyword Research for Local SEO Work?

Keyword research for local SEO focuses on finding search terms that potential customers in your area are using.

It’s about understanding the specific needs and questions of people in a local market and how they phrase their searches.

Local SEO involves analyzing location-based keywords. People often search for services near them, using phrases like “plumber in Dallas” or “best coffee shop in Brooklyn.”

Businesses that include these types of phrases on their websites make it easier for search engines to connect them with local searchers.

When you perform local keyword research, you assess search volume and competition.

Some terms may have high competition, which makes them harder to rank, while others may offer a better shot at reaching the top.

Choosing the right mix of high- and low-competition keywords lets businesses target people who are actively looking for services in their area without getting lost in the shuffle of more general searches.

Here's the basics of finding local SEO keywords:

  • Understand local search intent: People search for services near them, often using phrases like “dentist near me” or “coffee shop in [city name].” Local businesses need to understand how people search for services within their area.
  • Location-based keywords: Focus on relevant keywords that combine services with the business' location.
  • Evaluate search volume and competition: Some keywords are more competitive than others. The goal is to find the right balance between popular search terms and those with lower competition to maximize visibility.
  • User intent analysis: Not every keyword means the same thing in every context. Identifying what local users are really looking for allows businesses to target the right audience.
  • Track trends and behavior: Local search patterns change, so keeping up with trends helps businesses stay relevant to what people are currently searching for in their area.
  • Adapt over time: Local keyword strategies aren’t static. Continuous adjustment is necessary as new trends, events, or changes in the local market occur.

Why is Local Keyword Research Important for SEO?

Local searches often lead to quicker conversions because users are usually ready to make a purchase.

When you understand local search behavior, it gives you an edge over competitors who might miss out on these specific terms.

If you haven't implemented local keyword research into your SEO strategy, here are the reasons why you should start now:

Understand User Intent

Keyword research gives you insight into what your audience actually searches for. Without this knowledge, you are essentially guessing what they need.

marketer working on keyword research

Knowing the exact terms people use helps you create content that directly addresses their questions. This is where local intent is quite useful in helping users find your page relevant and click through it.

Drive Relevant Traffic

Keyword research isn't just about increasing website traffic. It focuses on bringing in visitors who are interested in what you offer.

When your content matches the keywords people search for, you’re more likely to attract the right audience.

This increases the chances of them staying on your site longer, signing up for services, or making a purchase.

Understand Competition

Analyzing your competitors shows which keywords they focus on. This allows you to spot opportunities where you can rank better or offer something different.

Instead of wasting time on overly competitive terms, you can find keyword gaps where your content could stand out more effectively.

Improve Content Strategy

Keyword research guides the direction of your content. Knowing which terms generate the most traffic or which ones are gaining popularity helps you stay relevant.

This insight lets you plan fresh, engaging content that keeps visitors returning to your site.

Support Long-Term SEO Success

Long-term SEO depends on smart keyword choices. A well-thought-out keyword strategy builds your site's authority over time.

As your site gains traction, it becomes easier to rank for both broad and specific terms, helping you grow your online presence steadily.

How to Find High-Intent Keywords for Local SEO

Finding high-intent keywords is key to improving your visibility in local search results.

These keywords reflect a user’s readiness to act, whether they plan to visit your business, make a purchase, or call for a service.

]You can identify these keywords through research, knowing your audience’s behavior, and examining search data related to your products or services.

1. Analyze User Behavior

Understanding what searchers want helps you spot high-intent keywords. Some users look for information, while others are ready to take action.

Your local SEO efforts should have a clear goal in mind, like visiting a store or booking a service.

If someone searches for "best plumber near me," they likely need a plumber immediately. This kind of search shows strong intent because it signals the user wants help right away.

Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console can show you what search terms bring people to your business.

2. Use Keyword Research Tools

Rankify features

Use keyword research tools to find terms that people in your area are searching for. Rankify is one example where it helps businesses with local keyword research.

Our tool focuses on providing detailed insights into local search trends and lets businesses discover the most relevant keywords people are searching for in their location.

Just semantically describe the keywords you want to find, and Rankify will do the rest.

Here's how Rankify can help you with ranking locally for your target keywords:

  • Search volume: Rankify shows you the search volume for specific keywords in your area. This means you can see how many people are looking for services or products you offer locally, helping you prioritize the best terms for visibility.
  • Keyword difficulty: Knowing how hard it is to rank for certain terms is key in local SEO. Rankify gives you insight into how competitive a keyword is, so you can target ones with lower difficulty that will improve your chances of ranking.
  • Keywords and blog topics: Rankify suggests related keywords and blog topics based on what’s trending in your area. This helps you create relevant, engaging content that speaks to what your audience is searching for locally.
  • Keyword lists: With Rankify, you can organize and save keyword lists tailored to your niche. This makes it easier to build a focused local SEO strategy, allowing you to track and update your target keywords over time.

Speed up SEO keyword research with Rankify.

3. Implicit vs. Explicit Local Keywords

Knowing the difference between implicit and explicit local keywords is important when crafting your local SEO strategy.

  • Implicit local keywords are those where the location is not mentioned but is implied. For example, if someone searches for "car repair," the search engine might use their location to provide results for nearby repair shops.
  • Explicit local keywords include the location directly, such as “car repair in Los Angeles.” This type of keyword tells search engines exactly where the user wants to find services.

Targeting both types of keywords can help you appear in more local searches, giving you a better chance of reaching your audience.

4. Service-Oriented Keywords

Service-oriented keywords focus on specific services a business offers and align with what potential customers are searching for online.

These keywords are more than just general terms; they target intent. When people look for a solution, they often use very direct search terms related to a service, making it important to include those in your content.

These searches show clear intent, making it easier for businesses to connect with users ready to hire.

Instead of casting a wide net, service-oriented keywords narrow the focus to people who are more likely to convert into paying customers.

Another important factor involves location-based keywords. People often include their city or neighborhood in searches, looking for nearby service providers.

Including both service and location in keywords gives businesses a better chance of being found.

Here are some pointers to help you with which service-oriented keywords you should target for local SEO:

  • "Service near me": Shows local relevance and an immediate need, such as "emergency plumber near me."
  • "Best + service + location": Indicates a user wants top-quality service, for example, "best salon in New York."
  • "Service + location": A straightforward search like "dentist in Chicago" works well for people who need a service in a specific area.

Each keyword type speaks to different stages of a buyer’s decision-making process, giving you multiple ways to capture their interest.

5. Evaluate Your Competitors

When evaluating your competition for local keyword research, start by identifying the top players in your area.

Look at their websites to see which keywords they focus on, paying attention to meta titles, descriptions, and header tags.

You can also analyze their content to find out what types of blog posts, service pages, and FAQs are ranking well.

Check their reviews and local listings to understand how they appeal to your shared audience. Google Business Profiles are great for spotting trends in local searches.

Finally, keep an eye on their backlink strategies, especially from local sources, which might indicate a stronger local presence.

6. Find Long-Tail Keywords

Finding long-tail keywords involves focusing on specific phrases that relate directly to what users search for but in a more detailed and targeted way.

These keywords are less competitive, which can make it easier to rank higher in search results.

To start, think about the types of questions or specific phrases your audience might use. Instead of looking for one-word terms, focus on multi-word phrases that reveal more intent.

These phrases often contain at least three or more words and reflect what someone might type when they're searching for something specific.

Here are some ways to find long-tail keywords:

  • Use Google's autocomplete feature: Type a broad term into Google and pay attention to the suggestions that pop up. These suggestions often include popular long-tail keywords related to your topic.
  • Check "People Also Ask" sections in Google search results: This section reveals questions that other users frequently search for, which often includes long-tail phrases.
  • Browse forums and communities: People often ask detailed questions in places like Reddit or Quora, and you can find phrases they use to solve specific problems.
  • Use Google Keyword Planner to search for lower search volume phrases: These tools can give you an idea of the specific keywords that might not be highly competitive but are still being searched.

Once you gather long-tail keywords, incorporate them naturally into your content. Focus on answering the exact questions or needs reflected in these phrases to attract the right kind of traffic.

A keyword like "same-day HVAC repair in Dallas" is more specific and suggests the user is ready to act. While fewer people search for this, the ones who do are often more likely to convert.

7. Filter Keywords Using Commercial Modifiers

To filter keywords with commercial modifiers for local SEO, start by focusing on terms that indicate a user is ready to make a purchase or inquire about a service.

You can gather a list of potential keywords and then narrow it down by looking for these words alongside the primary search terms related to your business.

  • Focus on keywords with commercial modifiers like "buy," "hire," "best," "affordable," and "near me."
  • Gather a list of potential keywords and filter for high-intent terms related to your business.
  • Assess search volume and competition levels to find keywords with moderate competition and solid search volume.
  • Prioritize local keywords that include city names or “near me” to target serious buyers in your area.

After identifying keywords with these high-intent modifiers, assess search volume and competition levels.

Keywords with moderate competition and solid search volume often provide the best opportunities for local businesses.

This method helps ensure you focus on terms that are both relevant and likely to attract serious buyers or clients in your area.

8. Refine Your Keyword List Using Google Trends

To refine keywords using Google Trends for local SEO, start with a broad keyword related to your business or industry.

Enter it into Google Trends, then filter the results based on location to focus on the specific area you're targeting.

This helps you spot trends that are unique to that region and understand what people there are searching for.

You might notice that certain variations of a keyword are more popular in specific cities or neighborhoods, which gives you a clearer picture of local search behavior.

You can find high-intent keywords by narrowing down broad terms to more specific ones. Look at related queries that Google Trends suggests, paying attention to terms that show rising interest.

These are often indicators of high intent since people searching for them are likely closer to making a decision or purchase.

Compare the search volume for these keywords across different areas, making it easier to identify which phrases have strong local relevance.

This insight allows you to focus on terms that connect better with people who are ready to engage or buy, improving your chances of being found in searches that matter.

Tracking And Adjusting Your Local Keyword Research Strategy

To stay ahead in local SEO, you need to track how your keywords perform and adjust based on the results.

Search trends shift over time, and what worked a few months ago might not give the same results now.

Here's how you can adapt your local keyword research strategy so that you remain competitive now and in the future:

Understand the Right Local Keywords

The first step in tracking and adjusting keyword research for local SEO is finding the right local keywords.

Start by identifying what your local audience searches for. Focus on city-specific terms or phrases that reflect your service areas.

You should also keep an eye on variations people use when searching in your niche. This gives a clearer picture of how potential customers find businesses like yours in their local searches.

Regularly Monitor Keyword Performance

Once you’ve gathered your initial list of local keywords, monitoring their performance regularly is key. This involves looking at rankings, click-through rates, and conversions linked to each keyword.

Google Search Console is a great place to track this data. You can see where your keywords rank and how often they lead to clicks.

Reviewing this data monthly helps you spot trends and areas where certain keywords start losing traction, or others show potential.

Adapt to Changes in Search Trends

Search behavior can shift, especially when local events or seasons change what people look for.

If you notice certain keywords dropping in effectiveness, adjust them to align with current trends.

Seasonal spikes, for example, might require a focus on certain products or services during particular times of the year.

Keeping a close watch on local events also allows you to adjust your strategy based on what’s happening in your community.

Dive Into Competitor Research

Tracking how your competitors rank for local keywords is another important step. Analyze which keywords they rank for and where there are opportunities for you to perform better.

If they rank higher for a key term, evaluate what they’re doing differently and adjust your strategy to close the gap.

Update Your Keyword Strategy Regularly

To keep up with the evolving SEO landscape, updating your keyword strategy is necessary.

As new competitors enter the market or Google’s algorithm shifts, you’ll need to revisit your keywords. Regular updates keep your site relevant and aligned with current local search trends.

Test new keyword combinations and phrases that may better connect with your audience.

This keeps your strategy fresh and ready to adapt to changes that come your way.

Optimize Your Content with the Best Keyword Research for Local SEO

Rankify AI SEO Keyword Research

Rankify makes keyword research easy, offering a comprehensive list of keyword ideas with 99% volume accuracy compared to 60% from other software.

It also suggests commonly asked questions, blog topics, and suggested keywords to enhance your content strategy.

Ready to try it out? Sign up for a 7-day free trial!

FAQs About Keyword Research for Local SEO

Why is local SEO important for small businesses?

Local SEO helps small businesses increase online visibility, attract local customers, and build community relationships. By appearing in local search results, businesses can improve foot traffic, boost sales, and improve brand awareness.

How do local keywords differ from general keywords?

Local keywords include geographic terms that make them more specific to a particular area. For example, "plumber in Chicago" is a local keyword, while "plumber" is a general keyword. Local keywords typically have less competition and are more relevant to local searches.

What tools can I use for keyword research for local SEO?

Popular tools for keyword research include Google Keyword Planner and Rankify. These tools provide keyword ideas, search volume data, and insights into keyword difficulty and competitor analysis.

Speed up SEO keyword research.

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